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Carbon Fiber Roll Wrapped Telescoping Twill Tube ~ 2.25" ID x 72", Gloss Finish

SKU: FDPT2.25*TTW*72

Please Allow 7-10 days before this item ships

These twill carbon fiber telescoping tubes nest within one another and slide effortlessly. They are ideal for creating adjustable poles, robotics, factory automation, or any other application where compact storage and long extension length are necessary.


All of the tubes have a 0.045" wall thickness, making them both rigid and crush resistant. Additional clamping force in the collet can be obtained by sanding the tube to remove the epoxy ridges.


Please allow 7-10 days before these tubes ship.



  • Fiber Modulus: 33 MSI
  • Fiber UTS: 640 KSI
  • Tg: 250 f