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quality carbon fiber composites

Our Commitment to Quality to Our Customers

We don’t sell cheap imported carbon fiber tubes, plates, or sheets, or make our tubes, plates, or sheets from off-spec, expired, or surplus materials.
Our Commitment to Quality

About Dragonplate

ISO Certification

Why choose Dragonplate?

DragonPlate is the tradename for our Engineered Carbon Fiber Composites. DragonPlate carbon fiber composites are strong, light and beautiful. DragonPlate carbon fiber materials are designed for use in constructing high performance structures and are easy to cut, drill and assemble. DragonPlate also offers engineering/design and custom fabrication through our CNC Service for your unique carbon fiber part. Contact us with your special needs, we can help.

Why deal with an ISO9001:2015 certified company?

ISO9001:2015 is a set of standards for quality management systems that is accepted around the world. When you purchase a product or service from an organization that is registered to the ISO9001:2015 standard, you have important assurances that your quality expectations will be met. It is the policy of Allred & Associates to exceed our customers' requirements and expectations in product, performance, and service. Allred & Associates, Inc. is committed to the continual improvement of our products, processes, and monitoring of customer satisfaction for the assurance of quality by our commitment to the ISO9001:2015 standard.